Situation : Most of my sales rep are maintaining the store while I want them to cheer the customers.
Example of use : I will draw a new PI.JA for the job including these requirements.
Situation : When we post a vacancy we use our job’s description to fill the ad and it seems that we do not get the right profiles.
Example of use : Job’s descriptions are often dealing with the content of the job and not with the behavioral requirements – Using PI.BA Adjectives to establish the advertisement will help you attract the right profiles.
Situation : We want to promote branch directors, but we want to make sure that they will balance their passion for entrepreneurship and ownership with togetherness and teamwork.
Example of use : I can draw a PI.JA of the position or simply select people with an extraverted nature and a moderate dominance.
One of the best technical-commercial engineer of the company is longing to get promoted (Which is by the way legitimate…). We want to make sure that the career path we will propose him will fit his personality (Expertise vs Management).
Example of use : I can define a PI.JA profile for the two options and as a basis of discussion assess his profile against both of them.
Unfortunately, I have to close down a branch which is no longer profitable – After the group briefing, I want to organize one to one meetings ith the coworkers and adapt my discourse.
Example of use : Using their PI.BA profiles, I will be able to adapt my discourse to build an alliance and make them feel that the treatment is fair and the process transparent.
Situation : One manager from the head office wants to take a job in stores – I want to support him in this new challenge.
Example of use : Using his PI.BA profile and one debriefing structured document, I will help him raise his awareness around potential resources or saboteurs that could constitute opportunities or hindrance.
Situation : One sales rep in my team was ranked as low performer this year in an unstable and challenging territory - I want to address the situation with him avoiding the “carrot and stick” traditional interview.
Example of use : I can offer him to take PI.BA and PI.LI – We will consider potential changes, differences between Self, Self-Concept, and PI.JA – This positive approach will help building a constructive starting point for the interview and analyze with PI.LI if this area will allow him unleashing his full potential.
The best technician is not necessarily the best manager.
Example of use : Using PI.BA, I can start discussion with high potential to clarify their career path : expert or manager.
Situation : Two managers are experiencing conflict in one subsidiary.
Example of use : You can bet that they have similar or opposite profiles – Helping them understand this will pave the way for conflict resolution.
Situation : It has been now one year in this management position in central Europe and I need to recruit a new manager in the team – I want somebody who will bring some fresh air in the current team – I also want to take into account the tough and quickly changing business conditions in the country.
Example of use : I will discuss with the recruitment director and my own boss, the PI.JA and desired PI.LI result for the position – We will also analyze the profile of each member on the team (Myself included!) and determine which profile would fit the best.